Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Where Have I Travelled?

Up until recently my happy self has never set foot outside the amazing land that is the United States, even within the USA I haven't travelled too much. This is sad for me though because new cultures and new experiences are definitely some of my favourite things. So down below I'll show you some of the places I've been!
  1. Florida (the land of my people!)
  2. Virginia
  3. Massachusetts
  4. New York
  5. Pennsylvania
  6. Maryland
  7. Michigan
  8. Ohio
  9. West Virginia
  10. North Carolina
  11. South Carolina
  12. Tennessee
  13. Arkansas
  14. Georgia
  15. Utah (boooo)
  16. California
So those are the U.S. states I've been to, kind of pitiful that in my 21 (almost 22!!!) years I've only been to 16 states but, now I can say I've actually been to places in Europe, well only one country but that is still cool! Within Italy I have only gone to a handful of places but they are as listed...
  1. Venice
  2. Verona
  3. The Alps
  4. Milan
  5. Verona
  6. Modena
  7. Mantova 
So clearly I haven't been to as many places in Italy as I would like to so more travel will be happening soon! This July I will be going to Sardinia during my birthday week! I am really freaking excited about that, I mean I will be in freaking Sardinia for my birthday!! So that is my very small list of places I've been but, I'm hoping within the next couple years I will be able to expand this list substantially! 

Until next time 


  1. I think it's awesome that you are abroad, enjoy this adventure as much as you can!!

    1. Thanks! I am in love with being abroad, i have defenitely been bit by the bug and i'm already planning my next adventure.
