Friday, May 16, 2014

My Biggest Fears

This one might kill me to write, just thinking about some of these things makes me want to cry in a corner. Some things that I fear are basic human fears that I think I mentioned in my last post. Rejection, faliure, things of that nature. Then come my irrational fears.....

  1. Clowns. AKA the spawns of Satan. You know, I used to be a normal kid who loved clowns. I was okay with circuses and I didn't feel the need to go into fetal position when I saw one. That all changed when I was 9 and a 'friend' of mine sat me down and forced me to was IT. Not only is that a highly inappropriate for a kid to be watching but it is also traumatizing as heck. WHERE was her mom while I was being forced into this? While I was in California before I moved to Italy I was walking down Hollywood Blvd. with my aunt and there was a street preformer lady dressed as a clown and I visibly tensed and avoided all eye contact. You know you look ridiculous and probably constipated when the clown notices and calls you out on it. 
  2. Sharks. It's actually kind of funny because for the longest time I wanted to be a Marine Biologist. My fear of sharks started when I was a kid, probably around 4 or 5 minding my own business enjoying a family trip to Universal but then it all changed (as soon as I typed that in my head i went 'and then the fire nation attacked). My sister and mom thought it would be fun to go on the Jaws ride, me being the innocent child I was had no idea what was going on. My lovely elder sister told me it was just a niceboat ride and to sit on the left side by the rails because it was a better spot. Of course I listened and the ride took off and then BAM out of freaking nowhere a freak MASSIVE shark 'attacks' the boat right where i'm freaking sitting. Not okay, and i'm still a little bitter Marisa. 
  3. Snakes. It's actually ironic that i'm scared of snakes since I am a self declared Slytherin, but really snakes terrify me. Give me a spider any day, I may not like them but atleast I can squish them with something. Theres is no fun story for this one, I have just always been scared of them, they aren't natural and they should just go extinct. I do have a story though where I was at my Grandparent's cabin in the mountains of Utah visiting for the summer. My Grandma was putting clothes up on the clothes line out in the yard and I thought I would go help her because clearly i'm such an amazing granddaughter ;). I went out in flip flops and started walking to the clothes line, then I felt something go over my foot....I looked down and saw a snake. A SNAKE just freaking slithered its gross self over my foot. I promptly screamed kicked off my shoes (thinking back I don't know how that helped) and ran screaming into the house. Needless to say, I didn't end up helping my Grandma haha, a lesson I learned that day though was no flip flops in the mountains. 

So thats pretty much all I am really scared of, not that unique or impressive but I hope I entertained y'all at least a little bit.

Until next time!
<3 Rachel

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