Monday, August 4, 2014

Ramblings and Cravings

This weekend I took a much needed break and went north east to a little place called Conegliano! I got to realx, see some castles and some beautiful scenery! I have been having a bit of a hard time lately, the depression has been hitting me hard so this was a nice break. I might also be taking a week off soon and going either somewhere around Italy or even possibly to Germany, which would be super cool for me! I love pretty much everything to do with WWII history so this could be a once in a lifetime chance for me to see things up close and personal!

While I might be having a rough time I am still so glad I am here. The host family I have is more than amazing and I couldn't be any more greatful! This past week my host dad got a job offer so we went out to celebrate at a japanese restaraunt! I am so happy to have asian food back in my life, it was like heaven in my mouth. People keep telling me I shouldn't miss American food because I have realy italian food at my fingertips but, i've had that for 6 months! I miss the food I haven't been able to eat, more specifically I miss Chipotle. I miss it so much, I crave it pretty much every day haha. That will be the first place I go, and then Tropical Smoothie, I need a good smoothie in my life. I always get the same one, I don't think i've tried a different one actually. I go for the Sunrise Sunset because it is life and speaks to me on a deeper level. Fun Fact, the only reason I tried it in the first place wasbecause of the name, It made me think of 'Fiddler on the Roof' so I knew it had to be delicious and man, was I right!

Anywhooo this post wasn't all that exciting but this is my life right now! I'll try and be more interesting next post ;)

Until next time!

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