Sunday, July 27, 2014

My Bucket List

I think mostly everyone I know has a 'Bucket List' of sorts, not all of them have it written down but they definitely have a mental one. Sara (my bestest friend) got me inspired to start mine after she wrote hers. So now I will tell the world what my bucket list/dream list is composed of, some of them might seem silly but if you know me at all, I am kind of a weirdo. ;) Also, this list is a work in progress, I will probably add on to this as the years go by!

  1. Volunteer in an Orphanage
  2. Learn to speak Spanish fluently
  3. Go to England
  4. Write a book
  5. Write an entire album worth of songs
  6. Record said album
  7. Become the voice of a Disney Princess
  8. Get my bachelor's degree
  9. Go to Australia
  10. Go on a safari in Africa
  11. Learn Guitar
  12. Learn Piano (mom, help!)
  13. Live in NYC for at least a little while
  14. Build my parentals a house
  15. Go to a music festival (or multiple)
  16. Preform for a big crowd
  17. Have my own clothing line
  18. Adopt/foster children (older ones not babies)
  19. Be on the Amazing Race with my bestest friend
  20. Meet the cast of the Hunger Games
  21. Meet the cast of Harry Potter
So that so far is my list, nothing super exciting and I know what y'all are thinking, 'be a Disney princess voice? Really Rachel?'. Seriously, yes. That has been my dream since I was little, will it ever happen? Probably not, but, I am a big believer in having dreams.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you wanted to adopt/foster older kids!! Wow we really need to talk - did you know that that has been our plan (mine and Eric's) for a few years now? Also, I have a cool story along those lines to tell you whenever we can chat again. :)
