Monday, June 9, 2014

I Want to Ride my Bicycle

 A week ago I did something insane, I went on a bike ride/tour thing of the area I live in. This is something the entire community partakes in, and for people in shape it is probably a very good time. I'm not saying I hated it, I didn't but, my body hated me for the next few days! The actual event had us travel about 12 km (7.4 mi) but, when you add in travel distance to and from the house to get to the event I biked and walked about 20 km (12.4 mi). Anyone who knows me well knows I do NOT like physical activity, or the outdoors, or bugs. I can honestly say I hadn't ridden a bike since I was about 10 years old, I am now almost 22, that is 12 years guys, 12 years not on a bike. Now this bike adventure wasn't the first time I'd been on one since I got here though, so at least I wasn't completely refreshing my bike riding skills on this long freaking ride.

The ride was actually quite a beautiful and scenic ride, it had us travel through the country areas, farm lands and next to the Po River. There were 8 stops and at each one there were activities and food and drinks, it was really cool! I got to do archery which was really fun, I feel like with some practice I could be the next Katniss ;). At one of the stops (the one with the Archery) they gave us these amazing sausage and onion sandwiches. Guys, they were so good. Literally to die for. Eating was a big mistake though, a BIG one.

As you could probably assume I am not in good shape, at all. I should not have eaten food at every stop while I was exercising at a rate my body is in no way used to. All that food felt like it was going to make itself known to the world again in a way that was not as pleasant as it was when it was going into my stomach. I had to stop a lot and take a breather and bless Lilja, she stuck with me the whole time even when I told her I would be fine alone. At one of the stops the guy handing out water in cups saw I was about to die so he just handed me the entire massive 1 liter bottle of water, he was my saviour of the day. Thank you Italian man, I might be in love with you now.

So what have I learned from this you ask? Rachel needs to exercise more. I may be losing weight but that it no way means I am in shape haha. Anyways, until next time friends!


(Photo Credit to Lilja)

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