Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I Love College

College is something I never though I would partake in. It isn't because I didn't think it was useful, I am just not a school kind of girl. I struggled through cosmetology school, granted I had a lot emotionally going on, but if I almost didn't get through that I obviously made the right choice to no go to college, right? Apparently my brain thinks I am wrong because for some reason I applied to a school. I also got into said school and I will be starting in May 2015. The next shocker? It's in Utah! Now, anyone who knows me, knows how much I abhor Utah with all of my being. Right after I graduated high school (literally 2 weeks later) I was shipped to Provo and forced to live out the worst 6 months of my life. I vowed I would never return to that hellish state but here I am subjecting myself to it again. The only thing that makes me feel better about this is that I won't be in Happy Valley, I might have to visit since that's where my Sister and Brother-in-law live and some of my favourite people go to BYU. Plus my best friend is also going to Weber so I will be able to stay semi sane ;).
When I go I plan to Major in Business Management and minor in some kind of music related thing. The music is mostly to keep my sanity since Business includes math and well, math and I don't get along very well. Math was almost my downfall in high school, I actually almost didn't graduate but luckily Mr. Cottoms is an amazing tutor. I know, I know I am 22 and JUST starting college but, to be honest, if I had started any earlier I wouldn't have finished and just wasted a bunch of money. I still fully plan on doing hair but I think a degree could also help me in other future endeavours! 
 Right now in Italy, not much is going on but I am going to Germany next week to stay with Gabriela! I am super excited about that and we are going to get up to some shenanigans ;).
Gabriela and I

  Also, for those of you who don't know I bit the bullet and posted an original song on YouTube so here is the link for that!

We also celebrated Giovanni's 16th birthday recently at Garda Lake, which was beautiful (even though it rained pretty much all day). He got some gear for his guitar and a yummy cake and then they went to the pool and swam a bit! After, we all played a couple card games and then Gio, Ugo and I headed back to the house while Annamaria, Matteo and Linda (Matteo's friend) stayed at the lake and camped. It was a pretty good time and I think Gio had a good birthday!

My ootd (50lbs down)

Until Next Time

Sunday, August 17, 2014



1. (broadly) any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established in various parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognized legally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities and including, for example, opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage:

 Marriage is something I naively assumed would happen pretty fast after I graduated high school. Maybe that is my LDS upbringing talking, I guess I just assumed that I would find a good LDS boy immediately and live happily ever after. Four years later I am still single and definitely no where near marriage and I think somewhere subconsciously I feel like a failure about this. I think I have 3 or 4 close friends left who are neither engaged or married, it's like a virus or something, right now.  

At this point in my life I am enjoying what I am doing, I might joke and say I will be forever alone but I really don't want to get married right away. I think at some level I think it would be nice but, there are so many things I want to do and try before I settle down. There also is that small matter that I seem incapable of attracting a man haha. My best friend Sara and I have this thing that we say, 'clearly our personalities suck' because I really don't know what else it could be.

Another thing about my views on marriage that are different from what I was taught at church my entire life is this, I don't care what religion he is. If I love him and he loves me why should it matter? I will say that I am jaded when it comes to LDS guys, I have never had a good experience with then and my worst experience was with a 'good LDS boy' who turned out to be the world's biggest tool. I know for some of y'all reading this that this will be controversial but I just make myself care. I just want to be happy and what if the guy who will do that for me isn't LDS? I should immediately brush him off because he isn't? That just sounds very illogical to me, I want to be happy and so I will be with the person that makes me the happiest. 

I have seen a lot of marriage and divorce and unhappy marriages in my life and I don't want to be part of that. I looked up the divorce rate online and found this, ' PolitiFact.com estimated in 2012 that the lifelong probability of a marriage ending in divorce is 40%–50%'. That is a high percentage and I don't want to become a statistic, so I think I will happily continue being single until I find the one person who I can live the rest of my life with. I want to be like my grandparents and parents who have been together forever through thick and thin. My parents went through a very difficult trial early into their marriage that would have ended weaker relationships but my parents stayed together. I want to have a marriage like my parents, that is what I strive for. 

Until next time

Monday, August 4, 2014

Ramblings and Cravings

This weekend I took a much needed break and went north east to a little place called Conegliano! I got to realx, see some castles and some beautiful scenery! I have been having a bit of a hard time lately, the depression has been hitting me hard so this was a nice break. I might also be taking a week off soon and going either somewhere around Italy or even possibly to Germany, which would be super cool for me! I love pretty much everything to do with WWII history so this could be a once in a lifetime chance for me to see things up close and personal!

While I might be having a rough time I am still so glad I am here. The host family I have is more than amazing and I couldn't be any more greatful! This past week my host dad got a job offer so we went out to celebrate at a japanese restaraunt! I am so happy to have asian food back in my life, it was like heaven in my mouth. People keep telling me I shouldn't miss American food because I have realy italian food at my fingertips but, i've had that for 6 months! I miss the food I haven't been able to eat, more specifically I miss Chipotle. I miss it so much, I crave it pretty much every day haha. That will be the first place I go, and then Tropical Smoothie, I need a good smoothie in my life. I always get the same one, I don't think i've tried a different one actually. I go for the Sunrise Sunset because it is life and speaks to me on a deeper level. Fun Fact, the only reason I tried it in the first place wasbecause of the name, It made me think of 'Fiddler on the Roof' so I knew it had to be delicious and man, was I right!

Anywhooo this post wasn't all that exciting but this is my life right now! I'll try and be more interesting next post ;)

Until next time!