Sunday, July 27, 2014

My Bucket List

I think mostly everyone I know has a 'Bucket List' of sorts, not all of them have it written down but they definitely have a mental one. Sara (my bestest friend) got me inspired to start mine after she wrote hers. So now I will tell the world what my bucket list/dream list is composed of, some of them might seem silly but if you know me at all, I am kind of a weirdo. ;) Also, this list is a work in progress, I will probably add on to this as the years go by!

  1. Volunteer in an Orphanage
  2. Learn to speak Spanish fluently
  3. Go to England
  4. Write a book
  5. Write an entire album worth of songs
  6. Record said album
  7. Become the voice of a Disney Princess
  8. Get my bachelor's degree
  9. Go to Australia
  10. Go on a safari in Africa
  11. Learn Guitar
  12. Learn Piano (mom, help!)
  13. Live in NYC for at least a little while
  14. Build my parentals a house
  15. Go to a music festival (or multiple)
  16. Preform for a big crowd
  17. Have my own clothing line
  18. Adopt/foster children (older ones not babies)
  19. Be on the Amazing Race with my bestest friend
  20. Meet the cast of the Hunger Games
  21. Meet the cast of Harry Potter
So that so far is my list, nothing super exciting and I know what y'all are thinking, 'be a Disney princess voice? Really Rachel?'. Seriously, yes. That has been my dream since I was little, will it ever happen? Probably not, but, I am a big believer in having dreams.

Until next time!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Birthdays and Sunburns

 This past week (as I said in my previous post) I was in Sardinia, Italy. Sardinia is more than I could have ever dreamed, the sea was so clear the weather was perfect and the company was amazing. While on holiday I also had my birthday! I am now the ripe old age of 22, people keep asking me if I 'feel' 22 but since I have never been 22 how am I supposed to know what it feels like? I don't really feel older, and I can't bring myself to listen to Taylor Swift tell me what 22 supposedly feels like.

I will admit though, it wasn't all sunshine and daisies there, I had a complete meltdown on my birthday. I have decided that I truely do miss my family, like, a lot. I used my host mom's phone since mine is broken and I called my mom and just cried to her like a little baby. By the end of the phone call I felt much better but since my phone is still broken, this means I can't talk to anyone in my family. I am still super homesick but hopefully i'll be able to buy a new phone soon and get over that homesickness.

My birthday is not only my birthday, not only is it Lilja's (who was a jerk and left me ;P), it is also my host dad's! We had an amazing tart like cake with tons of fruit, a big south african style barbecue and went to the beach and just generally had fun. I am so greatful I am with the family I am with, they are amazing and are always there for me when I need them. For my birthday I got a beautiful, matching coral bracelet and necklace, a beautiful hand fan and some Kerestase hair product! This will defenitely not be a birthday I forget, ever. My sister, Marisa, was telling me that when she turned 22 she was in Australia. I turned 22 here in Italy and now I think my younger sister Tiana wants to continue this tradition and turn 22 somewhere cool and foreign!
Me, Gio, Annamaria, Ugo, Matteo

Annamaria and I

here you can see a bit of my lobsterness
My nose got hit hard and is still red haha

Now onto the sunburn bit, I obviously forgot how white I was and how hot the Italian sun is because I turned into a lobster. Now though, I  am a nice bronze colour with minimal peeling. The FIRST day though I burned the back of my knees, after falling asleep on the beach. That is one place I can say I have never burned and hope to never repeat the experience. Holy crap it freaking hurts, and then my skin got so tight and it hurt to walk. I really know how to kick off a vacation ;). Anywhoooo this is what's going on in my life right now, tans, slight homesick depression, birthdays and broken phones.

Until next time

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Lonely. That's kind of how I'm feeling lately, well not kind of, that is how I'm feeling lately. Ever since Lilja left (one of two friends I have here and the only one who lived close) I have felt lonely and homesick. I have now been here for close to 6 months so I think it is about time to feel a bit homesick haha. I know I should just suck it up, go out and meet new people but that's hard when you don't know the language well. I'm sure I could do it but, anyone who knows me knows I am an awkward person and it takes awhile for me to make friends. I didn't always used to be this way, I used to be quite bubbly and personable maybe I can return to that Rachel again and shed this introvert personality I have seemed to develop.

The one thing that is definitely keeping me going is knowing my mom will be coming out here! Not for another 6 1/2 months but still, she's coming! The plan is to show her around a good chunk of Italy and then head to France. She has always wanted to go to Paris but has never had to opportunity until now, I'm so glad I get to be the one to experience it with her! My mom is literally the best you guys, you might think your mom is cool but she has nothing on mine.

Another thing that is keeping me in good spirits (for the most part) is tomorrow I am heading with my host family to the lovely island of Sardinia. Sardinia is apparently supposed to have the nicest seas in all of Italy! This makes me happy because if I could be a mermaid, trust me, I would be. I love the water and all things beach related, except the whole swim suit thing. I may be losing weight but I'm still no model so Bathing suits are not my favourite clothing items on the planet.

I don't really know why I'm writing this post, maybe it's just because I haven't written in awhile and just needed to get this off my chest. My name is Rachel, and I am lonely and miss my mommy. Obviously I also miss my Daddy and my best friends but mostly, I miss my mom haha. If you had told me 5 years ago that I would be feeling this way about my mom, I would have laughed at you. I've always been a Daddy's girl but lately my mom has taken over that spot! Love you mommy! I love you too Daddy but ya know, you're not as fun since you grew a back bone ;).
Me, Daddy, Mommy and the beautiful D.C. Temple

Anyways, until next time!