Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter, Chocolate and a Sick Rachel

This week had a very good start, has had a crappy duration but will have a phenomenal end.As every single one of you know Easter was this Sunday! This was my first Easter away from family and it was really weird, I didn't think being away for such a small holiday would effect me like it did. I didn't cry but some homesickness set in that I wasn't prepared for! I miss my family, you know I thought it was going to take me months before I was going to miss them because lesbihonest, I was SO ready to be out of my parent's house. I was on the verge of committing murder some days when it came to my siblings so this sense of homesickness is weird. I guess though that this shows that I really do love them, it just took moving to Italy to realize it ;) . I'm joking of course, I definitely love my siblings all 500 of them and I miss them like crazy but moving out was the best possible decision for me!

So we'll start with Sunday! Sunday morning the boys and I opened up our gigantic chocolate eggs and broke up the pieces and put them in a communal Tupperware! Mine was white chocolate with crunchy bits in the chocolate, what more can a girl ask for? Absolutely nothing that's what, I could ask for nothing more. We then went to my host dad's parent's house for an Easter lunch! They did a barbecue and despite their best efforts it was not as good as an American BBQ, sorry Italians! I was already starting to feel ill on Sunday so when we got back to the house I took a nap, I love naps, I really do.

The Monday after Easter is a holiday here so everyone was home and we had ANOTHER bbq at the house with my host mum's brother and his wife and my host dad's parents. It was soooo filling, I haven't been able to eat as much as I used to but darn if I didn't try on Monday. By Monday my nose decided to stop working and I started using more tissues than I had ever used in my life. Fast forward to tonight and I am now snotty, sore and have almost no voice. This is just a beautiful way to feel, the first thing I thought this morning when I heard myself breathe was "you sound like Darth Vader".....gross. 
This weekend though I am FINALLY going to ItaTube with my friend Alice. I have been excited for this for what seems like forever! I am quite sad Danisnotonfire won't be there since he is like my internet spirit animal but I will get through this trying time! I will definitely be posting lots of pictures and how the trip went! Pray I don't sound or feel like I do right now, this weekend! With that I will leave you with a little bit of Dan.


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