Monday, March 17, 2014

First Post!

I've been living in Italia for two months now (time flies!) and while my understanding of the language is much better, the actual speaking bit is alluding me some. I am confident that by the end of my time here I will be quite proficient though, fingers crossed! ;) 

Since I have been here I have had the amazing oppurtunity to visit beautiful cities like Venice, Verona and Milan! I also took a trip up into the alps but, my experience wasn't as fun there. While I can appreciate the beauty, I LOATHE snow. Plus after the trip I got a horrific cold that stayed with me for about a week. The cities though, those I loved! The beauty, the architecture, I just didn't know how to handle it all, it was a sensory overload in each one! I think my favourite was Venice but, Milan is a close second, that might be because it has a MAC and a Sephora though. ;)
That's it for now! I'll try and update as much as I can, probably like once a week! 


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