Wednesday, March 26, 2014


This weekend Lilja and I will be going on a new adventure (for her at least, i've already been once) to Milano! I am very excited to go back to my new favourite city! We are going for Friday night and Saturday all day and then coming back to our respective small Italian towns Saturday night! Milan is gorgeous and the shopping is even better, the Galleria this is gorgeous, the Duomo is gorgeous, the architecture in general is gorgeous and I am SO lucky to be able to go basically when I want because it is only a short train ride away!

Needless to say I am very excited for the debauchery that will be ensuing this weekend. Although I have decided that the clubs back home are MUCH better than the 'discos' here, the music here is like I was transported back to the 90's, and not the good parts. The dancing is much different, which to some could be counted as a good thing, haha. I guess one good thing about the clubs here are the guys aren't as pushy or creepy as the guys I have had the pleasure of meeting in Fur and Ibiza back home.

Well, here's to the anticipation of a fantastic weekend and a great rest of the week until then!

Until next time <3

Monday, March 24, 2014

Makeup Addiction

You know, when I was getting ready for my trip everyone was telling me to be careful in Italy because i'll want to spend all my money on shoes, but you know what, that's not my problem. My problem is makeup. Now, anyone who knows me knows I always have a full face on when I go anywhere, whether it be the grocery store or the movies, etc. but when I was at home, spending money on makeup was so hard for me. I didn't see the big deal with spending a ton of money at MAC or Sephora, not that I didn't shop at those stores, because I did but it was just hard for me to spend that much money on makeup. But now, i've spent so much money on makeup. Soooooo much money and I only feel slightly guilty because to be honest, it's stuff that I 'needed' or that I really just love.

Speaking of things that I love, a couple days ago I decided to go for a walk around Suzzara. It's not that big so, not a lot of places to go but it can still be interesting. On my walk I found a beauty store, so  of course I had to go look inside, I needed a new foundation and highlighter anyways so I figured I would give this place a go. This place was a mecca for me! I ended up using my hand to try different products and settled on Rimmel BB Cream, now I have actually never used a BB Cream before. Sara has always raved about them and i've heard good things on Pinterest so I figured i'd give it a go. I  can honestly say this is probably my new favourite product. It is SO amazing, it goes on smooth and it's not heavy at all and basically, i'm just in love.
Okay so i'll shut up about makeup now and go do something productive like read 'The Book Thief' that Lilja gave me like a month ago!

Bye for now!

Monday, March 17, 2014

First Post!

I've been living in Italia for two months now (time flies!) and while my understanding of the language is much better, the actual speaking bit is alluding me some. I am confident that by the end of my time here I will be quite proficient though, fingers crossed! ;) 

Since I have been here I have had the amazing oppurtunity to visit beautiful cities like Venice, Verona and Milan! I also took a trip up into the alps but, my experience wasn't as fun there. While I can appreciate the beauty, I LOATHE snow. Plus after the trip I got a horrific cold that stayed with me for about a week. The cities though, those I loved! The beauty, the architecture, I just didn't know how to handle it all, it was a sensory overload in each one! I think my favourite was Venice but, Milan is a close second, that might be because it has a MAC and a Sephora though. ;)
That's it for now! I'll try and update as much as I can, probably like once a week! 
